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Bouquet ring
Bouquet ring

Bronze and silver band ring

€ 200,00 tax included

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Amethyst Bouquet Ring
Amethyst Bouquet Ring

Bronze ring with silver details and oval amethyst

€ 300,00 tax included

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Angel pendant
Angel pendant

Silver and bronze pendant with leather choker

€ 220,00 tax included

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Flussi earrings
Flussi earrings

Drop-shaped bronze earrings

€ 180,00 tax included

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Peace necklace
Peace necklace

Silver pendants with garnet necklace 80cm long

€ 270,00 tax included

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Flows Pendant
Flows Pendant

Silver and bronze pendant complete with leather choker

€ 240,00 tax included

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Four-leaf clover choker
Four-leaf clover choker

Four-leaf clover pendant, complete with rigid choker

€ 240,00 tax included

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Lozenges earrings
Lozenges earrings

Silver and bronze earrings with white agate

€ 160,00 tax included

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Four-leaf clover earrings
Four-leaf clover earrings

Silver earrings

€ 220,00 tax included

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Lozenges pendant
Lozenges pendant

Necklace in silver and bronze

€ 300,00 tax included

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design komunica.it | cms korallo.it