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Silver and bronze intertwine in light and geometric shapes
Phaedo ring
Phaedo ring

Silver ring with diamonds

€ 290,00 tax included

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Anello Fascia
Anello Fascia

Anello in argento

€ 120,00 tax included

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Phaedo ring
Phaedo ring

Bronze ring with dimananti

€ 290,00 tax included

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Anello Fascia
Anello Fascia

Anello in bronzo

€ 100,00 tax included

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Knot ring with rhinestone
Knot ring with rhinestone

Silver knot with rhinestone

€ 150,00 tax included

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Bronze knot ring
Bronze knot ring

Bronze knot

€ 35,00 tax included

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design komunica.it | cms korallo.it