Spediamo gratuitamente in tutta Italia

In a collection all the colors of the island of Ischia

Amethysts, blue topazes, citrine topazes, preseolite

The Summer Collection has a special sparkle

I am very attached to the island of Ischia which for me is a place of the heart.
It is a magical place, where history, tradition and the disruptive beauty of nature intertwine and captivate you.

My Ischia ring , the Acqua earrings and the Filo ring are like this: a classic process that wraps beautiful stones, amethysts, topazes, citrines, with bright colors that captivate the eye. Also available in the briolè cut.

Ischia ring

Also available with amethyst and citrine topaz

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Water Earrings

Bronze earrings, silver bezel with presolite, green tourmaline. Available with other stones

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Wire Ring

Silver ring with gold and amethyst claws. Available with other stones

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