Frogs, owls, peacocks, crocodiles, ananconde, octopuses, porcupines but also bees, dragonflies, owls, kittens, fish ... will soon invade your jewelry box!
The fantastic world of Stefania Caramanna, who for years has been the undisputed queen of silver and bronze creations inspired by nature, is also about to be activated in the store.

Stefania Caramanna Designer
Dopo la laurea in architettura, ho dato "forma" alla mia passione per il design e i gioielli con la creazione del marchio "Caramanna Gioielli". Le mie sono creazioni uniche e innovative ma sempre in linea con le caratteristiche della gioielleria partenopea tradizionale. | Architect and designer by passion. After graduating in architecture, I gave "shape" to my passion for design and jewelry with the creation of the "Caramanna Gioielli" brand. Mine are unique and innovative creations but always in line with the characteristics of traditional Neapolitan jewelry.